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您的文檔首先會由學科領域專家全面編修,然後再由語言編修人員仔細檢查。 最後,我們會根據您的文件(學術論文、論文、資助申請等)調整我們的編修風格。



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為什麼選擇 AsiaEdit?

我們的編修專家都受過高等教育,大多是一流研究型大學的研究生水平,很多都有自己成功的出版歷史。 我們將論文與具有領域專業知識的編修專家相匹配,以產生最大的效用。

  • 按需求報價而非字數
  • 大團隊但專注個體
  • 傳統但高效的論文匹配
  • 您的限期,我們的承諾


  • The team at AsiaEdit handled the line editing for my book manuscript with professionalism, an eye for detail, and a customer-first mentality. Somehow, someway, the folks at AsiaEdit find a way to deliver.

    Mr Jason Fung

    Hong Kong
  • I have been using AsiaEdit’s services for more than ten years. I have always been highly satisfied with their work. They are fast, punctual and highly professional. The prices are reasonable.

    Professor Gabor Ungvari

    The University of Western Australia
  • Thanks for offering a good quality, reliable editing service with effective communication channels. Keep up the good work!

    Mr Lawrence Leung

    University of Salford
  • AsiaEdit editors are professional and dedicated. Their careful work helps remove the glitches in my writing, allowing me to focus on the content and be more productive in research.

    Dr Xiaowen Fu

    The University of Sydney
  • I have been using AsiaEdit for the last two years and have been consistently happy with the service and the quality of their work.

    Dr Hongbiao Yin

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • As the Editor of Signs and Media journal I have been using AsiaEdit for three years so far. We appointed them sole editor of our journal as the editing quality is high, they offer a range of return times and quickly respond to queries. I’m happy to be able to recommend them.

    Dr Chen Xue

    Sichuan University
  • I first used the editing service of AsiaEdit to polish an important grant proposal. Their excellent work significantly improved the language quality of our proposal which was subsequently funded. I then referred their service to my colleagues and friends. Their professional editing helps our manuscripts get ...

    Dr Harry He

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gav...

    Dr Yong Zhang

    Jilin University
  • AsiaEdit always do their best to meet special requirements, and are adept at following style guidelines. The staff communicate very well and respond quickly to inquiries.

    Ms Jenny Xie

    The Education University of Hong Kong
  • A good standard of editing, completed on time at a reasonable cost and delivered by a friendly, approachable team.

    Dr Josiah Chan

    Lingnan University
  • As a customer of your journal paper editing service for well over 10 years I’ve achieved significant publication success. Keep up the good work!

    Dr Paul Lam

    City University of Hong Kong

Mr Jason Fung

The team at AsiaEdit handled the line editing for my book manuscript with professionalism, an eye for detail, and a customer-first mentality. Somehow, someway, the folks at AsiaEdit find a way to deliver.

Professor Gabor Ungvari

I have been using AsiaEdit's services for more than ten years. I have always been highly satisfied with their work. They are fast, punctual and highly professional. The prices are reasonable.

Mr Lawrence Leung

Thanks for offering a good quality, reliable editing service with effective communication channels. Keep up the good work!

Dr Xiaowen Fu

AsiaEdit editors are professional and dedicated. Their careful work helps remove the glitches in my writing, allowing me to focus on the content and be more productive in research.

Dr Hongbiao Yin

I have been using AsiaEdit for the last two years and have been consistently happy with the service and the quality of their work.

Dr Chen Xue

As the Editor of Signs and Media journal I have been using AsiaEdit for three years so far. We appointed them sole editor of our journal as the editing quality is high, they offer a range of return times and quickly respond to queries. I'm happy to be able to recommend them.

Dr Harry He

I first used the editing service of AsiaEdit to polish an important grant proposal. Their excellent work significantly improved the language quality of our proposal which was subsequently funded. I then referred their service to my colleagues and friends. Their professional editing helps our manuscripts get published successfully and we are all very satisfied with their service. In addition, they also hold very good educational webinars on manuscript writing, from which I benefit a lot.

Dr Yong Zhang

I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gave AsiaEdit a try due to their reasonable price and fast turnaround time. It turned out that we were very satisfied with the quality of the service and the manuscript was successfully accepted for publication. AsiaEdit staff are enthusiastic and they follow a professional working procedure. More importantly, each manuscript will usually be worked on by one experienced editor and then checked by another senior member of staff. For this reason, I have strongly recommended AsiaEdit to my colleagues.

Ms Jenny Xie

AsiaEdit always do their best to meet special requirements, and are adept at following style guidelines. The staff communicate very well and respond quickly to inquiries.

Dr Josiah Chan

A good standard of editing, completed on time at a reasonable cost and delivered by a friendly, approachable team.

Dr Paul Lam

As a customer of your journal paper editing service for well over 10 years I've achieved significant publication success. Keep up the good work!



我們是亞太領先學術編修的合作夥伴。於 1996 年成立,總部設於香港,通過超過25年日復日的優質工作,建立了與本地學者和知名教師密切的關系。我們的編輯均精通及了解亞洲多種語言作者的需求



    我們的編修專家和作家是由各種專業組織成員組成。 除了成為質量和專業精神的標誌外,這些背景關係和會員資格還有助我們的團隊成員保持和提高他們的技能,與同行建立聯繫,並能跟上新的準則、議題和技術。





    在過去的 25 年中,我們幫助數百所大學的數千名作者在國際期刊上發表了他們的作品,並為大學部門編修、撰稿和翻譯行政和宣傳材料。





    20%折扣 立即體驗

    US$20 折扣

    所有首次下訂單的新客戶,可獲得 20 美元的折扣。 非全日制和全日制學生在論文和學位論文編修可享受高達 20% 的折扣



    我們目前接受現金、支票、銀行轉賬、信用卡、PayPal、微信支付和支付寶付款。 我們也可以直接與您的大學財務辦公室聯繫,處理有關付款事宜。

    • 安全支付


    • 100% 保密


    • 快速簡便的付款
