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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-醫療 Clinica Chimica Acta Circulating miR-3197 and miR-2116-5p as novel biomarkers for diabetic retinopathy Dr Liyuan Han China 31/10/2019
科學-醫療 Clinical Cardiology Sleep study-guided multidisciplinary therapy (SGMT) for patients with acute coronary syndrome: Trial rationale and design Professor Ronald Lee Singapore 26/3/2018
科學-醫療 Clinical Lung Cancer Surgical Outcomes of Lobectomy Versus Limited Resection for Clinical Stage I Ground-Glass Opacity Lung Adenocarcinoma 2 Centimeters or Smaller Dr. Jinlin Cao China 15/10/2020
科學-醫療 Clinical Nutrition Mining Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for organisms with long-term gut colonization potential Dr Qixiao Zhai China 23/5/2019
科學-醫療 Annals of Translational Medicine Downregulation of HSPA2 inhibits proliferation via ERK1/2 pathway and endoplasmic reticular stress in lung adenocarcinoma Dr Longxiang Cao China 25/9/2019
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Intervention with α-Ketoglutarate Ameliorates Colitis-Related Colorectal Carcinoma via Modulation of the Gut Microbiome Dr Jianhua He China 17/6/2019
科學 -生命 Bioinformatics Batch effects correction for microbiome data with Dirichlet-multinomial regression Dr Yingying Wei    Hong Kong 23/8/2018
科學 -生命 Bioinformatics ARGs-OAP v2.0 with an expanded SARG database and Hidden Markov Models for enhancement characterization and quantification of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental metagenomes Ms Xiaole Yin    Hong Kong 2/2/2018
科學 -生命 BioMed Research International Anti-Gouty Arthritis and Antihyperuricemia Effects of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Head Extract in Gouty and Hyperuricemia Animal Models Mr Lanzhou Li China 27/8/2017
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Responsiveness and Predictive Ability of the Chinese Version of the Action Research Arm Test in People with Cerebral Infarction Ms. Jiang Li Zhao China 7/10/2019
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Reliability of the Lateral Step-Up Test and Its Correlation with Motor Function and Activity in Chronic Stroke Survivors Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 3/4/2020
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Implications of Antioxidant Systems in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Dr Shile Lan China 9/5/2018
科學-醫療 Biomedical and Environmental Sciences Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV Exposure in Utero on Adverse Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study in Guangzhou, China Ms Fang Hu China 1/11/2019
科學-醫療 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy The formulae and biologically active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of atopic dermatitis Mr. Fenggen Yan China 21/4/2020
科學 -生命 Biometrics Adaptive treatment allocation for comparative clinical studies with recurrent events data Dr Siu Hung Cheung China 8/7/2019
科學 -生命 Biological Trace Element Research Effect of Zinc Sulfate and Zinc Glycine Chelate on Concentrations of Acute Phase Proteins in Chicken Serum and Liver Tissue Dr Lukasz Jarosz Poland 19/4/2018
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Reliability of the Maximal Step Length Test and Its Correlation with Motor Function in Chronic Stroke Survivors Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 20/12/2018
科學-醫療 BioMed Research International Epstein Barr Virus Infection Affects Function of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Patients with Severe Aplastic Anemia Dr Chunyan Liu China 14/5/2018
科學 -生命 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Molecular mechanism of substrate preference for ω-3 fatty acid desaturase from Mortierella alpina by mutational analysis and molecular docking Dr Haiqin Chen China 25/9/2018
科學 -生命 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Role of 10-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenic acid in transforming linoleic acid into conjugated linoleic acid by bifidobacteria Dr Haiqin Chen China 27/6/2019