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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-物理 Macromolecules Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells Based on Conjugated Polymer Containing an Alkoxylated Imide-Functionalized Benzotriazole Unit Dr Lei Ying    China 10/5/2017
科學-物理 Macromolecular Rapid Communications Asymmetric Alkyl Side‐Chain Engineering of Naphthalene Diimide‐Based n‐Type Polymers for Efficient All‐Polymer Solar Cells Dr Lei Ying    China 13/2/2018
科學-物理 Macromolecular Rapid Communications An Open‐Circuit Voltage and Power Conversion Efficiency Study of Fullerene Ternary Organic Solar Cells Based on Oligomer/Oligomer and Oligomer/Polymer Dr Lei Ying   China 5/9/2017
科學-物理 Macromolecular Rapid Communications A Temperature‐Controlled, Conductive PANI@CNFs/MEO2MA/PEGMA Hydrogel for Flexible Temperature Sensors Professor Yiqiang Wu China 23/3/2018
科學-物理 LWT Optimization of fermentation conditions and comparison of flavor compounds for three fermented greengage wines Dr Jian Lu China 15/11/2017
科學-物理 LWT Dielectric loss mediated promotion of microwave heating in the Maillard reaction Professor Daming Fan    China 23/11/2018
科學-物理 LWT Acoustic intensity in ultrasound field and ultrasound-assisted gelling of surimi Dr Hao Zhang China 8/10/2016
科學-物理 LWT Rheological and mechanical behavior of milk protein composite gel for extrusion-based 3D food printing Mr David Liu China 18/12/2018
科學-物理 Langmuir Multiform Sulfur Adsorption Centers and Copper-Terminated Active Sites of Nano-CuS for Efficient Elemental Mercury Capture from Coal Combustion Flue Gas Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 7/8/2018
科學-物理 Langmuir Highly Ordered and Multiple-Responsive Graphene Oxide/Azoimidazolium Surfactant Intercalation Hybrids: A Versatile Control Platform Dr Changxu Lin China 3/2/2017
工程、建築與設計 Maritime Engineering  Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance Dr Xiaowen Fu    Australia 21/6/2018
科學-物理 Lab on a Chip Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beating cardiac tissues on paper Professor Jianhua Qin China 18/9/2015
科學-物理 Lab on a Chip In situ differentiation and generation of functional liver organoids from human iPSCs in a 3D perfusable chip system Ms Yaqing Wang China 16/10/2018
科學-物理 Lab on a Chip Nanofiber membrane supported lung-on-a-chip microdevice for anti-cancer drug testing Dr Xinghua Gao    China 1/3/2018
科學-物理 Journal of Visualized Experiments Experimental Investigation of the Flow Structure over a Delta Wing Via Flow Visualization Methods Mr. Zongnan Chen    Hong Kong 23/4/2018
工程、建築與設計 Landscape and Urban Planning Using Google Street View to investigate the association between street greenery and physical activity Dr Yi Lu Hong Kong 28/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 Journal of visualization  Near-field interaction of an inclined jet with a crossflow: LIF visualization and TR-PIV measurement Professor Yingzheng Liu   China 30/6/2017
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Turbomachinery Flow Structures and Unsteady Behaviors of Film Cooling from Discrete Holes Fed by Internal Crossflow Prof. Wenwu Zhou China 3/11/2020
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Visualization Measurement of unsteady flow structures in a low-speed wind tunnel using continuous wave laser-based TR-PIV: near wake behind a circular cylinder Professor Yingzheng Liu    China 9/1/2017
工程、建築與設計 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security A Two-Step quantile selection model for the safety analysis at signalized intersections Professor SC Wong Hong Kong 20/11/2018

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