與大多數編修服務不同,我們的服務報價不僅僅基於字數,而是對您文檔的寫作質量作全面評估。 這使我們能夠準確估計編修所需的水平和時數,完善您的論文寫作,不論字數多少都能給出最公平的價格。
"Thanks to AsiaEdit for providing professional and timely editing of my thesis, which satisfied my supervisors. The editors also provided details of why certain edits were made when requested."
Doctoral Student
The Nethersole School of Nursing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Although the cost stretched my budget, the quality of the editing justified the investment. AsiaEdit staff responded quickly to my emails."
Doctoral Student
The Nethersole School of Nursing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
“I am very happy to recommend the editing services of AsiaEdit who I used to edit my doctoral thesis. Their services were of very high quality and much appreciated. I was particularly impressed by the patience shown by their editors.”
Doctoral Student
The Education University of Hong Kong
“I have no hesitation in recommending AsiaEdit for thesis editing services. Their editors suggested good alternative phrasing of my original work but kept the same meaning, which made my thesis more accessible to the assessors. I was very happy with the results.”
DBA Student
The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
"AsiaEdit has a high standard of language editing, and not only did you improve the grammar, clarity, and flow, but I also gained a reviewer-wise perspective from the editors. I appreciate your time and effort."
Doctoral Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
為保護您的知識產權、版權和隱私,我們保證您的文案絕對保密。 我們更可應要求籤署保密協議。
我們一年 362 天進行排程及著手編修工作,並為切合所有日程安排,提供多種歸還選項,必要時更可在一夜之間編修多達 8,000 字的論文。
我們編修來自各個領域的期刊論文和相關文件(例如,投稿求職信、審稿人回复信),我們的工作質量贏得了學術界的尊重。 我們的編修亦在多個方面改進了文檔:
by far our most requested service
requires 25% additional time:
an equivalent surcharge is applied.
修訂是同行評審發布過程中不可或缺的一部分。 為透明起見,如果您修改了我們之前編修過的論文,我們將根據以下規定收取下一輪編修費用*:
原價的 35%
原價的 60%
原價的 100%
我們很樂意遵守任何各種風格的指引。 遵守 APA 或芝加哥風格需要 20% 的額外時間(和同等的附加費),而特定期刊指南需要 30% 的額外時間和附加費。 如果需要將文本內的引文從一種格式更改為另一種格式(例如,從作者日期引文樣式更改為數字引文樣式),則可能會根據具體情況徵收額外的附加費,因為這 變更涉及大量工作。 而我們只會格式化 Word(.doc 和 .docx)的文件。
您的日程安排,我們最關切 AsiaEdit 採用個性化的編修方法。
我們使用 .doc 或 .docx 文件是最得心應手,因為 Word 的“跟踪更改”功能使您可以輕鬆查看我們的編輯所做的修訂。
如果你是 Overleaf 的用家,可以直接在 Overleaf上編修你的TeX 文檔。否則,我們會將 .tex 文件轉換為 .doc 來處理。 我們亦建議您將手稿的 PDF 版本發送給我們以供參考。
我們支援離線編修 .pdf 文件。 我們的編輯將打印出您的手稿並用筆進行更改,然後將此編輯文檔的掃描副本發送給您。我們強烈建議提交 .doc、.docx 或 .tex 文件。
當在 Word 中編輯時使用 Track Changes 功能,令您能查看我們所做的一切,並按部分、頁面或整個文檔單獨接受或拒絕我們的更改。
Standard Editing includes a first editor reading through the document twice, after which a senior editor carries out a final check.
After Standard Editing you respond to any comments that the editor has inserted, and add any of your own to ensure your meaning has been clearly understood. A Senior Editor then works through your document a final time.
A report outlining the key grammatical and stylistic areas of your writing that would benefit from improvement in the future.
110 台北市信義區基隆路二段15號10樓
9:00am – 6:00pm
+886 2 7705 3216