
05 September 2022


  • 在研究或學習過程中,有很多曾經幫助和支持過你的人,你可在致謝詞逐一感謝
  • 草擬畢業論文或期刊手稿的致謝詞時,可參考本文的速查表 ,及
  • 本文的致謝詞示例可供下載 ,歡迎參考

The English language has a rich history of borrowing words from other languages, especially from Latin. Latin abbreviations such as ‘a.m.’, ‘p.m.’ and ‘CV’ have become part of our everyday vocabulary. Such abbreviations are also frequently used in academic writing, from the ‘Ph.D.’ in the affiliation section to the ‘i.e.’, ‘e.g.’, ‘et al.’, and ‘QED’ in the rest of the paper.

This guide explains when and how to correctly use ‘et al.’ in a research paper.





  • 以論文(thesis或dissertation)形式提交的大學學位作業。一般而言,thesis和dissertation都指畢業論文,美國大學的修課式學位論文稱為thesis,研究式學位論文則稱為dissertation;英國大學的叫法剛好對調:研究式學位論文是thesis、修課式學位論文是dissertation。本文將以「畢業論文」稱之。
  • 研究手稿投稿發表的論文,投稿對像包括經同行審稿的學術期刊、書籍、專著或書章。




A. 為你的畢業論文或手稿撰寫致謝詞






  • 資助、贊助或研究員獎學金,包括資助機構和獎金的名字或資助編號,以及聲明資助人有否參與研究和報告(部份期刊需要此聲明另設獨立資助資料章節)
  • 讓作者使用設施或設備的人士、機構/院校或組織
  • 研究參與者(例如受訪人、病人、某機構/院校的員工)
  • 提供特別物料、試劑或樣本的人士
  • 技術協助或服務提供者(連同相關方法的名稱,以及所獲協助的程度)
  • 使用個別資料集的來源和許可,或轉載或改編插圖或其他資料的版權許可
  • 收集數據、謄寫或翻譯訪問,或進行數據輸入、編碼或統計分析的人士
  • 就較前期初稿進行過討論、批評和給予意見的人士
  • 在報告準備期間給予翻譯、編輯、校閱等語言協助或美工協助的人士

你可以選擇以不同方法,在畢業論文和手稿中正式而有禮地感謝支持。直接的方法是在句首使用相關動詞或名詞,例如「We thank X [person] for Y [contribution as verb+ing or noun]」、「We appreciate the Y [contribution as noun] of X」、「Thanks are due/owed to X…」,又或簡單地「Thanks go to X…」:

We sincerely thank Dr Alan Pan (Department of Surgery, ABC University) for assisting with case selection.


I thank Prof Kate Chang of the University of ABC for permission to use and reproduce the survey instrument.


We appreciate the assistance of the staff of the ABC Division of ABC University, who recruited the volunteers.


Special thanks go to Mari Beer (ABC Editing Company) for useful comments on and for editing an earlier draft of this manuscript.

使用代表感謝的形容詞或名詞,會是較間接和強烈度較輕的方法,例如「We are thankful/grateful to」或「We express/extend our thanks/gratitude/appreciation to」:

I am grateful to the ABC University Core Research Unit for providing DNA sequencing services.


We extend our gratitude to Prof. Mike Jackson (Director, Centre for ABC, University of ABC) for providing the samples used in this study.

再間接一些,和再含蓄的方法,是以代表意圖的動詞開始,例如「I would like to」、「I wish to」和「I want to」:

We would like to thank the patients at ABC Medical Centre who participated in this study.


I wish to express my gratitude to Julia Punn for drawing the graph in Figure 2.

「acknowledge」這個動詞(如「acknowledge X for Y」或「acknowledge Y by/from X」)也可能會暗示責任或不情願:

I acknowledge the ABC Department at ABC University for permission to use the data.


We gratefully acknowledge the copyediting performed by Dr Ruth Cone, Associate Professor in English at the University of ABC.

致謝詞中,感謝的文法主語通常是「I」(或在多於一位作者的期刊手稿時用「We」)。如果出版風格需要避免使用個人代名字,你可以用「The author/s」作為主語:

The author is thankful to Louis Grey of ABC Language Services for proofreading the manuscript.


Jeff Smith, Head Librarian at ABC University, deserves special thanks for providing access to the university archives.


The staff at the Institute of ABC are thanked for providing technical advice and facilities throughout the project.


This study was supported in part by the ABC University Grants Committee (Award No. 123456).


Research funding for this project was provided by the ABC University Grants Committee (Award No. 123456).





  • 適用於期刊手稿畢業論:
    • 學術或課業指導
    • 獲取研究資助
    • 學術討論或培訓
    • 一般行政、物流或實務協助
  • 適於畢業論文(特別是哲學博士時):
    • 師友關係和啟發思考的講師、導師或其他人士
    • 應用所學知識的指引或支持
    • 一般培訓、討論或給予意見(例如來自老師、研究小組、支援員工或其他同學)
    • 朋輩、朋友、家人,甚至是寵物的精神或情感支持
    • 靈性或宗教支持
    • 如不設獻辭頁,可在致謝詞中把工作成果獻給:
      • 家人、朋友或啟發你的人
      • 一個社群、研究參與者、讀者或其他群組
      • 已故指導老師或親密的人,例如是家人、朋友或同事
    • 適用於部份期刊:
      • 獻辭可以放在致謝詞的開首或結尾,但可能限於手稿的已故聯合作者
      • 審稿過程完成後,作者可以感謝同行審稿人,表示感謝:
        • 來自一名或多名「匿名審稿人/評判」給予的有用評語,或個別有用建議
        • 來自一名或多名具名同行審稿人給予的有用評語,或個別有用建議(如期刊有提供審稿人或期刊編輯的名字)



This article has benefited from the contributions of the following people: my former primary supervisor, Dr A (ABC University), who obtained project funding and reviewed multiple drafts; Prof B (DEF University), who provided useful discussion on theoretical frameworks; and Dr C (GHI University), who tutored me in advanced research methods.


Many thanks go to my supervisor, Prof Jane Wong, for advice, encouragement, and support throughout my degree. Without her immensely valuable and motivational feedback at weekly meetings and on multiple drafts, this dissertation would never have been completed.


Last but not least, I am indebted to my family for their unfailing love and unconditional support. Their strong belief in me kept me going through both thick and thin in my studies.


This dissertation is dedicated to my grandparents, Naomi Tanaka and the late Tom Tanaka. They are my constant guiding light.


I am grateful to my supervisor, Prof Gladys Cho, for her encouragement and guidance.


We thank the two anonymous journal reviewers and the handling editor, Dr Andy Harris, for helpful comments on an earlier draft.


This article is dedicated to the memory of Dr Yvonne Koo, the third co-author, who died during the preparation of this manuscript.


要避免重複使用同一句感謝說話,你可以在短語上多作變化,也可配合一些信號詞,例如是「In addition」、「Furthermore」和「also」。你也可以把最有意思或最特別的貢獻放到最後致謝,用語方面可選擇:「In particular, I am most grateful for」、「Most importantly, I thank」、「I especially thank」,或「Finally, special thanks go to」。




All opinions, omissions, and errors remain my own.


The responsibility for the content and any remaining errors remains exclusively with the authors.


The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of their institutions, employers, or funders.




This degree has taught me both academic and personal lessons, including how to be a responsible, resilient, and professional researcher.



  • 適用於畢業論文期刊手稿
    • 進行人類或動物研究的道德許可,並詳列參與人士如何給予知情同意
    • 此前曾於期刊、線上或會議上發表工作成果;如屬期刊手稿:此前以畢業論文方式發表
    • 作者的財務或非財務利益衝突,也稱為競爭利益(以頭文字分辨不同作者);或表明:「All authors declare they have no competing interests」(所有作者聲明彼此間不存在競爭利益)
    • 任何曾協助研究或報告者之間的利益衝突或資助來源(例如由業界贊助人延聘的文本編輯)
  • 適用於期刊手稿:
    • 作者對研究和出版的特定貢獻。有關貢獻可以按作者 (以頭文字)或根據貢獻來排序,例如,根據貢獻者角色分類法(Contributor Roles Taxonomy,簡稱CRediT)或國際醫學期刊編輯委員會(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,簡稱ICMJE))的作者準則:

[按作者] Author contributions. A.B.C.: study conception and design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, drafting. D.E.F: data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, drafting. G.H.I: analysis and interpretation of results, drafting. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

[按貢獻] Author contributions. Conceptualisation: A.B.C.; Methodology: A.B.C.; Investigation: A.B.C., D.E.F.; Formal analysis: A.B.C., D.E.F., G.H.I.; Writing – original draft: A.B.C.; Writing – review & editing: D.E.F., G.H.I. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.





  • 致謝詞放在新頁、新節、註腳還是後注
  • 應該或不應該致謝的活動類型
  • 致謝的長度
  • 應以一段還是多段致謝
  • 是否容許分節和加上標題
  • 姓名、職銜和機構/院校的格式
  • 應否向審稿人致謝
  • 對於曾給予支持單位的致謝順序(例如應先向個別人士致謝才再向資助來源致謝)
  • 是否容許把工作成果獻給指定人士






  • 行文謙虛、誠懇和專業
  • 清楚檢查所有提及人士的姓名、職銜稱謂和現時所屬機構/院校
  • 切忌用詞誇張或冒犯
  • 澄清任何可能引起的歧義、誤導或令人混淆的句語
  • 檢查拼寫、文法和標點符號



只要按照上述指引,你便可以寫出得體有效的致謝詞。預祝你草擬畢業論文或手稿成功!如果你需要其他編輯上的協助,歡迎電郵至 cs@asiaedit.com 聯絡我們。

B. 致謝示例 [免費下載]


Our long-term partner, to deliver an online workshop for their professors and researchers. The workshop, held on 19 August 2021, was aimed at writing successful General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) applications.

When and how to use ‘et al’

Our latest online workshop built on the success of face-to-face workshops we developed specifically for local universities. Over 30 faculty members joined the session, presented by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Nick Case, to learn from our case studies on editing research proposals.

The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out.

Nick also focused on the “Pathways to Impact” section, a relatively new section that is often the most problematic area for applicants.

According to Barth, Caprio and Levine (2008a), high regulatory restrictions on banking activities could mean fewer diversification opportunities for banks.*

The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out.

Nick also focused on the “Pathways to Impact” section, a relatively new section that is often the most problematic area for applicants.

According to Barth, Caprio and Levine (2008a), high regulatory restrictions on banking activities could mean fewer diversification opportunities for banks.*

Our latest online workshop built on the success of face-to-face workshops we developed specifically for local universities. Over 30 faculty members joined the session, presented by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Nick Case, to learn from our case studies on editing research proposals.

The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out.


Wondering why some abbreviations such as ‘et al.’ and ‘e.g.’ use periods, whereas others such as CV and AD don’t? Periods are typically used if the abbreviations include lowercase or mixed-case letters. They’re usually not used with abbreviations containing only uppercase letters.

Unusual Scenarios

Our latest online workshop built on the success of face-to-face workshops we developed specifically for local universities. Over 30 faculty members joined the session, presented by our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Nick Case, to learn from our case studies on editing research proposals.

The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out. The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out. The response to our workshop, which included a constructive and insightful Q&A session, was very positive.Drawing on our extensive experience working with hundreds of Hong Kong researchers targeting the GRF and ECS every year, we used examples of poor and subsequently improved proposals to show the attendees how they can make their applications stand out.


Wondering why some abbreviations such as ‘et al.’ and ‘e.g.’ use periods, whereas others such as CV and AD don’t? Periods are typically used if the abbreviations include lowercase or mixed-case letters. They’re usually not used with abbreviations containing only uppercase letters.

Author Resources

Check out AsiaEdit’s professional research grant proposal editing service.
Read more about our training services covering all aspects of academic writing tailored for local institutions.

More resources on research grant proposal writing: On-demand Webinars
Preparing an effective research proposal – Your guide to successful funding application
Preparing an effective research proposal – Your guide to successful funding application (Part 2)


Dr Trevor Lane

AsiaEdit 教育顧問

Dr Trevor Lane是一名學術出版和教育顧問,同時他亦是出版倫理委員會當選理事之一。他有25年幫助作者在同行評審的學術期刊上發表研究成果的經驗


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